Connect the correct power supply. You can choose the right power supply in the POWER SUPPLY section.
Then connect the LAN cable to the gateway to the router. It is important that the IP address is in the range of
To enter internal website of Gateway make proper LAN connection and in browser address tab enter Gateway IP. The default IP is:
User name: atreyo
password: atreyo.
In the main menu there are tabs with settings sections.
- A, B, C – for digital outputs
- Req – request modbus device
- Req. dev. – request modbus device
- Devices – RTU configurations devices
- Serial – configuration serial communication
- Permission – permission configuration for mobile numbers
- Guard – for monitoring communication and activity
- GSM – GSM, LTE, GPRS configuration like APN, password etc.
- Server – server configuration
- Ethernet – Ethernet configuration
- Update – upload firmware and remote update configuration
- Options – for date, time, location, default etc.
- Config – backup, restore and remote configuration.
- Access – access configurations for internal website
- Info – main page with information about model, firmware version etc.