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Configuration manual - Debian

Access by SSH

To access gateway at first boot, connect gateway to the LAN network and give power. Find its IP by IP scanner tool or use CMD in host system with "arp -a" command ( take reference of gateway MAC ID). Then you need to log in via SSH to the gateway system.
To login using SSH use below command in CMD/terminal of host system.

ssh atreyo@your_gateway_ip

Use credential : user/pass: atreyo/12345

To obtain root rights, type in the terminal:

su -

Use user/pass: root/root

If you intend to use a web interface to manage the gateway, you can install Webmin. A very convenient interface that allows you to fully manage the system. You can find the instructions here.

Partition resize

Once login to gateway using SSH at first check for rootfs size using "df -h" and "lsblk".
If mounted root partition has less size, increase using following command. (use sudo if asked for root privileges')

/usr/sbin/resize2fs -p /dev/mmcblk0p8

Then check the partition size with one of the following commands. If you have the webmin panel installed, the partition size will also appear there after refreshing it.

df -H

Packages installation

Debian does not have all the packages installed. you can install needful manually as per need using below commands.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
--------- or -----------
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Below are examples:


To install curls, type the following command in the terminal.

sudo apt-get update


sudo apt install curl


To install Bash, type the following command:

sudo apt-get update


sudo apt-get -y install bash