This section is for general configuration. Time zone configuration and enable/disable GSM network. Also here is an option to synchronize the Gateway RTC time with NTP servers. You can choose between LTE/GSM NTP server and LAN NTP server and none. LAN NTP server can be used when your network is not connected to the Internet. Then we should run the NTP server on the local server. In addition, the time can be set via SMS or commands from the server.
Gateway identification number / name
This is an option for additional identification of the Gateway from the server side. You can enter your Gateway ID here.
Date and time configuration
This section is for configuration of real time clock in Gateway. The time is taken from the time that is currently set on the computer.
Options – Factory default – reset Gateway configuration
To make default all configurations of Gateway for safety reason type "Atreyo" in the tab and press "set default values".
GPS configuration
Gateway GPS location tab is for configuration of Gateway location. Because in AG-801 there is no inbuilt GPS thus select "Manual GPS ON".
Backup and restore configuration
To backup all configuration of AG-801 Gateway use this tab. The configuration file has checksum so do not edit configuration file in not dedicated PC software. Use dedicated Atreyo software.
For loading previous saved configuration from computer, select and load file:
Config – Remote configuration from server
This tab is for configuring URL of remote file with Gateway configuration. By clicking "get configuration" URL device will update from remote file.