Chirpstack LNS
Once the Chirpstack LNS has been configured in gateway side, few things to be done in Chirpstack console. i.e. to add Gateway, End devices, Application etc.
to Add gateway in chirpstack LNS open chirpstack LNS by clicking the icon in Application.
Login pop-up will appeare, use admin/admin as user/pass. After login the screen will be like:
Go to Gateway section in Tenant to add perticular gateway.
Click on Add gateway button.
It will open another page and ask for Gateway Name, it's EUI and any description you want to add for sack of your application purpose.
You can add data as per need and Submit.
Makesure to findout Gateway ID from gateway webUI as shown in below image.
After submitting all the data pop-up at upper right side will shown to confirm that gateway has been added succesfully. and it will open page where you can see Dashboard, it's configuration as well as option to see loraWAN frames.
Last seen will change in a while as well as GPS will be fetched from gateway itself , also the metadata will be fetch from gateway.
Gateway status is also visible in Dashboard section as well as in Gateway section.
Click on Gateway ID to open Gateway ... (last seen and GPS has been updated after a while).
To change configuration or edit anything got to Configuration tab, you can add tag for easy tracebility in Tag tab under Configuration tab as well as gateway metadata will be fetched as shown below.
In TLS certificate tab you can generate TLS certificate for specific application.
Once can download by clicking on Download button or open another sidebar to view event by clicking on event.