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Configuration manual

First start

After unpacking, the modem is ready to use. The modem can be connected to the target system using one of the following interfaces.

  • USB
  • RS485
  • RS232

Only one interface can be used at a time. The modem requires power supply, and even with a USB connection, a power supply is necessary. It is not powered from the USB port.

Power supply

The device can be powered by connecting a power source to the terminal block:  

  • Loosen or remove the screws on the terminal block.
  • Connect a 8–36 VDC power line to the terminal block.
  • Tighten the connections, using the screws on the terminal block.
  • Turn on the power source.

Note that the device does not have an on/off switch. It automatically turns on when it receives power. It takes a couple of seconds for the system to boot up. Once the system is ready, the RED LED will light up. 

Power terminal block pin assignments are shown below:

AM-201-power connector.png

Inserting SIM card

Please refer drawing for proper SIM placement.


If by mistake you insert the card backwards then the card will be able to insert, but the modem will not work properly.

Connecting a modem via USB

To connect the modem via USB, it is necessary to connect with a USB A > B cable. This type of cable is often called a "printer cable". In addition to USB, it is necessary to connect a power supply in the range of 8-36V DC . 
Connect according to the following diagram.


Connect in Windows operating system

To connect the modem via USB on Windows operating system, it is necessary to install the modem drivers. You can download the modem drivers at the bottom of this page. After successful installation, create a new Dialup connection.


Connecting modem via serial interface

he AM-201 can be used with either an RS485 or RS232 serial interface. To control the modem it is necessary to use AT commands. Regardless of the type of serial interface, the commands are the same.

Connecting a modem via RS485

To connect the modem to the device via RS485 serial interface, connect according to the following diagram. 

AM-201-connecting-via RS485.png

Always connect the modem's A signal to the host's A signal, and the modem's B signal to the host's B signal. Most of the time it is not necessary to connect the common ground, or G, signal, but it is good practice to connect it.

Connecting a modem via RS232

To connect the modem to the device via RS232 serial interface, connect according to the following diagram. 


Remember that the modem's RX signal is combined with the host's TX signal, and the modem's TX signal is combined with the host's RX signal. That is, the signals are crossed. It is also necessary to connect common ground, or G.

Connect on startup - Windows

In many applications, it is necessary for the modem to start as soon as Windows starts. To do this, follow the steps below:

This instruction applies when using the modem via USB with Windows 10 operating system.

Step-1: Go to Network & Internet:

  • In the Settings window, click on "Network & Internet."
  • In the Network & Internet settings, select "Network and Sharing Center" from the menu.
  • In the Network & Internet settings, select "Network and Sharing Center" from the menu.


Step-2: Set Up a New Connection:

  • Click on "Set up a new connection or network."
  • The "Set up a connection or network" wizard will open. Choose "Connect to the Internet" and click "Next."
  • Select "Set up a dial-up connection" and click "Next."


  • Select “Dial-up” connect.


Enter the phone number provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) into the "Dial-up phone number" field.


  • Enter "Connection name" for your reference to connect network. Here, enter “Dial-up Connection”
  • If required, Enter the username and password provided by your ISP.
  • Check the box to remember your credentials if you don't want to enter them every time you connect.
  • Click "Connect" to finish setting up the connection.


In case of a successful connection to the internet you will be presented with the option to browse the internet now.

  • Now, you can see your new connection if you click on the network icon located on the task bar.


Step-3: Creating a batch file for auto connect at startup:

  • Create New text document and name it as you given name in connection name.
  • You need to change the extension of the file. Change it to .bat which will convert the file into a system batch file from which windows can execute commands. Here, create a file name as Dial-up Connection.bat.


Now, Edit the batch file and write below code:


  • Change yourusername and yourpassword with your actual username and password for the connection. You could also change Dial-up Connection with name of the connection name you created.If not required username and password then not need to write here.
  • Save the file and exit from file.
  • Now, double click the bat file and see if the connection is established or not.


Step-4: Setting the batch file to run automatically

  • To do this, first you have to lunch the Run prompt. By clicking, window+R.
  • Type shell:common startup – for opening the startup folder. This will only work if the network connection you created has been available to all users.


  • To enable the bat file automatic startup, copy the created bat file in this folder.


  • You can check that the bat file that you have placed in the startup folder will run by lunching Task manager and going to the startup tab.
  • It’s done. Restart your system to see it works.