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Protocol Description

Thermolog sends data using the Modbus proto protocol. Below is a description of the protocol.

Readable registers 0x04 – 30000
Address Hex Address Parameter Organization Example Value Accuracy Example
30000 0x00 Temperature int32 152 %0.1f 15.2 °C
30002 0x02 Humidity int32 457 %0.1f 45.7 %
30004 0x04 Version uint32 20201 %d.%02d.%02d 2.02.01
30006 0x06 Serial uint32 7EF8E955 %08X 0x7EF8E955
30008 0x08 ID 1 uint32 05D3FF31 %08X 05D3FF313838553443134350
30010 0x0A ID 2
uint32 38385534 %08X
30012 0x0C ID 3
uint32 43134350 %08X
30014 0x0E Position Record Memory uint32 34897 %d 34897

Readable/Writable registers 0x03 – 40000
Address Hex Address Parameter Organization Example Value Accuracy Example Val. Min Val.Max Default
40000 0x00 Correct Temperature int32 -12 %0.1f -1.2 -100 100 0
40002 0x02 Correct Humidity int32 25 %0.1f 2.5 -100 100 0
40004 0x04 Low Temp. Alarm int32 -25 %0.1f -2.5 -1200 1200 -1.5
40006 0x06 High Temp. Alarm int32 20 %0.1f 3.0 -1200 1200 3.6
40008 0x08 State Alarm int32 0 %d 0 0 2 0
40010 0x0A Modbus Address uint32 1 %d 1 1 247 1
40012 0x0C RS485 Baudrate uint32 9600 %d 9600 1200 921600 9600
40014 0x0E RS485 Parity uint32 0 %d 0 0 2 0
40016 0x10 RS485 Length Bit uint32 8 %d 8 8 9 8
40018 0x12 RS485 Stop bit uint32 1 %d 1 0 3 1
40020 0x14 Show Type uint32 1 %d 1 1 6 1
40022 0x16 Correct Time int32 -13 %0.1f -13 -120 120 -11
40024 0x18 Light uint32 - %d - 0 15 0
40026 0x1A Year uint32 1022 %d 1022 2022 2099 -
40028 0x1C Month uint32 9 %d 9 1 12 -
40030 0x1E Day uint32 3 %d 3 1 29/30/31 -
40032 0x20 Hour uint32 15 %d 15 0 23 -
40034 0x22 Minute uint32 12 %d 12 0 59 -
40036 0x24 Second uint32 33 %d 33 0 59 -

Correct temperature - each temperature reading is corrected by this value
Correct Humidity - each humidity reading is corrected for this value
Low Temp. Alarm - when the temperature is lower than this value, the alarm will be triggered
High Temp. Alarm - when the temperature is higher than this value, the alarm will be triggered
State Alarm - there are three alarm states
Show type - determines how the temperature, humidity and time are shown on the LED display
Correct time - after the end of the day, the time was adjusted by this value
Light - brightness level of the LED display. For value 0 - the automatic brightness function is enabled.
 Identification Device – ID1+ID2+ID3 - unique value for each device
Position Record Memory - position in the internal memory organization of the device for archiving the measured temperatures

Communication over Modbus

Name Function Value
RS485 Baudrate From 1200 to 921600 9600
RS485 Parity None 0
Odd 1
Even 2
RS485 Length Bit Normal 8
Extend 9
RS485 Stop bit 0.5 0
0 1
1.5 2
2 3